Friday, February 10, 2012

Leptin Reset

I started the new year with clear intentions and a positive heart. Lately that has been going sideways. To put it bluntly, I keep getting caught up in anorexia. I was sick and tired of feeling puffy and fat so I decided to do a week of calorie restriction which I rationalised in my mind as 'detox'. I wanted to do the liver flush so I thought that going low fat would be a good way to build up pressure in the gallbladder and get the best results from a cleanse I was planning to do at the end of the week. I also wasn't digesting fats well and this was making my skin break out.

Turns out that this week of detox was way too detoxing, and I managed to break the detox with a binge. Then I started another week with the same thing, same result. And another week, same result. Then I realised what I was doing (actually I had realised it all along but just couldn't admit to it). I was putting being skinny before my health again. I am sick of this. Enough is enough. I still looked puffy and bloated after losing 3.5kg because I was still so toxic. I was dumping oxalate every day and HEAVILY, of course I would be puffy.

So I'm starting the leptin reset today. I have noticed white marks on all of my fingernails, so when I get home from house sitting in 2 days I'll start supplementing with zinc too, since all my supps are at home. I don't particularly want to start the reset. I don't want to gain weight. At least I'm being honest. But my health is more important and I'm going to have to shut up the anorexic voice in the back of my head and just do what I have to do.