Wednesday, September 28, 2011

OAT results back

I got my OAT results this morning. They kind of show what I was expecting..I think? The B6 is in the low range despite taking 100mg pyridoxine a day. Some other markers point to a deficiency. CoQ10 and NAC are also low. Something that shocked me was high Malic Acid..which points to exposure to the chemical found in plastics or in the air.
I wasn't expecting this marker to be on there. But it shows that my room is making me more ill, which really pisses me off. I want to move! But there is no where to go!

About a week ago I got too close to the cat. Actually it was the dog (who sleeps on the cat bed). I had him on my bed, patting him, face close to him etc.. I couldn't be bothered washing my doona cover for another 2 days, so there was cat/dog hair on the doona for 2 nights. The day I washed it, I started feel snuffly, sneezy, swollen glands. Then slowly a full blown purge came on and I still have it now. I sound/feel like I have a bad cold. I don't believe this happens from the cat! It also happened when I spent 2 nights and 2 days in a dusty environment. I was sick with cold-symptoms for 2 weeks just purging the dust out. There was a marker on the OAT that showed something about weakened respiratory tract. I forget what it was though. I sent it to the oxalate lady Susan for analysis. Can't wait for her feedback... I am still coughing now from the cat. My room/this house makes it worse.. I was just at the beach and library and coughed maybe twice, come home and I'm in coughing fits again. Woke up with chest tightness again this morning. Did I mention I really hate this house?

I'm doing an assignment on Dr. Edward Bach, the man who founded the Bach flower remedies. I'm going to get some flower remedies that I think will help with my own illness, to help with the emotional roller coaster it's sending me on.

There is a rice bread that I'm thinking of trying out. I ate it before GAPS. I don't think I digested starches well before GAPS, but it's even worse now. It's like my body has 'forgotten'. But I got another headache from fat today. It makes me feel like crap. My gut is extremely bloated and stodgy. Probably full of crystals.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

20- a new year!

Today is my birthday. I feel things changing, in the way I think, behave and feel. This year will bring big changes. Plus I also won $40 in a scratchy dad bought me!

I have started doing some arm weights using dad's lifting machine and I bought some joggers yesterday. The day before last I ran along the beach because I felt like it, and I had the energy and fitness to do so despite not jogging in years. It is scary though, to exercise and expect a relapse of fatigue. I didn't feel particularly bad after, but I did dump heavier the next morning. I must learn to take it easy and slow.

On other news my friends boyfriend keeps doing these facebook posts 'proving humans are herbivores' etc.. like he is trying to prove a point. I DON'T CARE! There is nothing he can say that will convince me (or more importantly my body) to become a vegetarian. It's almost like he is trying to convince himself! Oh well..I digress.

Have to write an essay today, perhaps do some online shopping with birthday money and take the dog for a long walk. And no, not a fan of celebrating my birthday...I hate being the centre of attention!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Dumping is going surprisingly steady. Have had a few cloudy urine incidences. Yday has little appetite but today ravenously hungry- I ate and became extremely bloated and gassy.

Have slept poorly 3 nights in a row (5 hrs/night). Just don't feel tired, but wired. I don't wake up tired either, but my body needs rest. I take the B-vits quite early in the day and have clear pee by night time (as oppose to fluro yellow).

My left lower eyelid keeps twitching like crazy. Magnesium? Happens most during the day. I think I could be absorbing too much calcium..I have had this problem in the past with Vit D toxicity and hypercalcemia. I was taking my calc/mag at the same time as cod liver oil I take separately and don't have any obvious d-toxic signs. Somedays I take a whopping 800mg mag a day just to stop my muscles cramping.

I have worked two full days in a row. Usually I hate the place, but it has been quite pleasant. I have made a conscious effort to be happy with my customers, to smile and be light hearted. It has made a huge difference to the quality of my customers too. I usually get the angry, grumpy customers. Either it's a coincidence, or something is paying off. I think it's the latter!

I think I could be gearing up to trial ghee soon. I am tolerating more B-vits than ever before. I was still tolerating ghee when I couldn't take one 50mg-cap, and now I can take 2 reasonably comfortably.

Wow this bloating is out of control. Head is very fuzzy too. Probably from the tallow I ate, fat digestion is very poor for me when dumping.

I had a small (Actually quite large) debate with my friends boyfriend last night. He keeps demonising red meat and thinks he's God's gift because he's adopted vegetarianism. Let's just say I believe I won the argument. Veg*n's have no 2 legs to stand on when it comes to the facts of life. Sigh.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

It's 4:30am. I woke up at 3am. Freaking dumping insomnia.

I'm not sure why I keep going back to high oxalate foods. Is there some sort of subconscious reason? I know my self control is better than this.

Every day when I learn more about oxalate, I am more and more confident that I will improve the longer I am on the protocol and upping my B6. God knows how long I'll dump for.. especially since I have been sick for 3ish years and went through periods of regression from eating too higher oxalate.

I'm excited! Could this be the answer I've been looking for? Could this *heal* me? Could I be eating dairy, kefir and eggs in a years time? God I hope so!

Friday, September 2, 2011

I feel quite low & stressed today. The weather is damp and rainy.
Firstly I started off the day giving in to high oxalate foods.
Then I decided to have an epsom bath and on getting out of the bath I was using the towel rail for support and it gave way under me and I smacked my face on the floor, splitting my eyebrow. The gash is about 1.5cm and goes vertically right down the middle of my brow. I also bruised my knees.
So my dad got home and went to the chemist for sutures. I'm a bit pissed off there's a chance I'll be a scar face now. I already feel horrible about my looks with the dumping acne and body/facial puffiness and general weight gain. I don't even wan't to look in the mirror.

Mum told me that she had found more mold in her room. It is all on the vertical blinds and window sill. The dampness in the cupboard is bad too. She said she has woken up with brain fog the 2 nights since she's been home. I told her about borax so she took the blinds off and is soaking them in a borax solution.
Now my dad is in one of his weird moods where he keeps snapping from reasonable to psychotic. Of course he hit the bottle as soon as getting home so is most likely drunk already. He's keeping going off on tangents that don't make sense and disrespecting my mum.

I don't want to be here. Everything feels weird and uncomfortable.
My head is foggy. Unsure if that is from the oxalates this morning or being in mum and dads room for a bit when I was talking to mum. I was going to call in sick tomorrow because of my swollen eye but then I thought.. I would rather be there than here.