Friday, October 7, 2011

The past 3 days have been pretty good. I have started exercising a lot more. I go for a dog walk (brisk pace) for about 20 minutes, and do about 15 minutes of yoga most days. In addition to being on my feet all day unless I'm at work, which is 3 days a week on average.
I feel better when I exercise, and I noticed something different about how my body responds now. I feel BETTER now, not tired and unbalanced. Oh and the weird ticks in my muscles have gone too- I use to get them even after a 20 minute walk in my legs like little muscles twitching.

Today I am quite tired. I woke up at 2.30am with insomnia and ravenous hunger from dumping. I probably also didn't eat enough yesterday. I didn't get back to sleep..wasn't tired. It was from dumping, so my gut has been a bit of a mess today and my head a bit foggy.

My mum tore a disc in her back so I have been running around like a madman accomplishing her duties (pets, household chores, food shopping, taking her to appointments). I made her a smoothie this morning because she was too nauseous to eat her muesli with milk, yoghurt, chia seeds, banana, coconut oil and dates. Without thinking I licked the spatula I used..I must have been feeling pretty normal to forget that I can't tolerate most of those things (I even gave up ghee over 6 months ago). reaction that I can sense so far and that was 8 hours ago! I have been giving her cod liver oil, calcium, magnesium and b-vitamins to take. Last night I gave her some MSM powder and gulcosamine. She woke up with a splitting migraine and excruciating back pain.
I actually think the MSM caused the migraine. It's such a strong detoxifier and my mum shows signs of candida/less than optimal health (doesn't everyone?!).
Regardless, at 4pm she is feeling much better and can laugh without it hurting! Yay! I think she will be fine. I *know* the supplements are helping her. She felt a lot better after the smoothie too. Coconut oil magic.  

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