Saturday, November 19, 2011

A week of gentle detox

I've decided to do a week of gentle detox. I really want to clean out my liver, gallbladder and general gut so I can be tolerating more foods and improving my digestion. 
As of tomorrow I'll be doing GAPS intro diet. So- broth, cooked veggies, slow cooked meats, fats off the meat, ghee, sea salt, lemon & ginger tea. I don't want to be eating a TONNE of meat. I've been on GAPS for 2 years now and my meat requirements have dropped, yet I over-eat it just because I can. I haven't got any ferments going at the moment so it'll just be the Custom Probiotics 11-strain in the AM. I have a habit of over-eating and feeling really stuffed after a meal, so I'm going to try be more 'intuitive', and have 3 meals a day and maybe 2 if I am working (I don't like eating at work because it's stressful to eat in a busy environment). Intro foods fill you up quickly because of all the liquid in the broth. 

I lost ghee about a year ago due to oxidative stress in the gut, but today I had about a tablespoon at once and didn't get that nasty headache. I'm actually 100% certain I'll be able to tolerate it fully soon, if I'm not already.

I'll also be aiming to do at least 4 pro-b enema's and 4 epsom salt baths. Supps will be 1 tsp cod liver oil, 1 tsp butter oil and 2 caps of fish oil a day. 

The first thing I want to try out of this detox is cauliflower. My fructmal got worse with the oxalate problem and I lost a lot of veggies! 

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