Tuesday, September 20, 2011

20- a new year!

Today is my birthday. I feel things changing, in the way I think, behave and feel. This year will bring big changes. Plus I also won $40 in a scratchy dad bought me!

I have started doing some arm weights using dad's lifting machine and I bought some joggers yesterday. The day before last I ran along the beach because I felt like it, and I had the energy and fitness to do so despite not jogging in years. It is scary though, to exercise and expect a relapse of fatigue. I didn't feel particularly bad after, but I did dump heavier the next morning. I must learn to take it easy and slow.

On other news my friends boyfriend keeps doing these facebook posts 'proving humans are herbivores' etc.. like he is trying to prove a point. I DON'T CARE! There is nothing he can say that will convince me (or more importantly my body) to become a vegetarian. It's almost like he is trying to convince himself! Oh well..I digress.

Have to write an essay today, perhaps do some online shopping with birthday money and take the dog for a long walk. And no, not a fan of celebrating my birthday...I hate being the centre of attention!


  1. Hi, Natalia. I found your blog off the GAPS yahoo group. First, I want to say that's awesome you're doing this before you have kids. :) So much harder after. Second, just skimming your blog, I'm having a hard time seeing what you're doing. Looks like low-ox, still GAPS? You said you ate rice. Did you finish GAPS? We are just starting low-ox, but it is ambiguous to me. I'm not sure of where the line is between GAPS and low-ox. Dr NCM and not using supplements, and low-ox you use supplements. What are you doing? You may have a post about it somewhere, if you can just link me there. Thanks! - Erin

  2. Hi Erin,
    I started GAPS 2 years ago and wasn't seeing the progress I wanted, so I started LOD. For me, LOD (low-ox) holds the answers for me. It explains a lot of things GAPS doesn't, but that is only for my particular case. If you don't have severe allergies then GAPS with LOD is probably fine and more beneficial. I experimented with rice because when you dump on LOD you can't digest fats well and with my limited food selection, I was running out of foods to eat!
    The supplements on LOD have been very beneficial to me. I just got some clinical results back showing major deficiencies, unlikely to be corrected by diet alone.
    I really recommend LOD if you have allergies/intolerances, it's been a god-send to me!

  3. So, Natalia, what questions does LOD answer that GAPS doesn't? I mean, I can see how GAPS is high ox and all, but how do people just do LOD w/o GAPS? Doesn't a body w/ a healthy gut flora normally dispose of oxalate? But if the guts off, it stores it.

    We've just entered the LOD world, and it's so confusing. I feel like I'm wandering around in the dark trying to do it w/ GAPS.

    When did you have your first dump? I feel the same, and my whole family, but my son had a mini seizure last night (first in his life), after about 2 weeks low ox. And I seriously don't know what to do for him. Calcium citrate? People on the Trying Low Ox group suggested all these supplements - but getting GAPS legal ones, I just don't know. Ugh, I wish I had a health care practitioner, but I don't know any who would have a clue.

  4. Don't get me wrong, GAPS was very helpful and healing in the first few months of starting. I made the dreaded mistake of starting high dose vitamin C and eating too many oxalate foods which caused a decline.
    Starting a low-oxalate version of GAPS without supplements is fine. If your son is having seizures then he is probably dumping too fast and you need to add back some higher oxalate foods like carrots, and taper off slowly so his dumping symptoms are less intense.

    Some people do LOD without GAPS because 2 diets is too restrictive. Oxalate really messes up your gut, so for some just reducing oxalate heals the gut. For me, my body asks for both diets. I can't tolerate starches and sugars, so GAPS it is. I am toying with rice because I think the underlying cause to most of my problems is stored oxalate from years of eating high oxalate foods (I was a binge eater too) on an already damaged gut. So right now my priority is getting rid of the stored oxalate. My first dump was about 3 days after starting LOD, and it was horrible (I had been eating EXTREMELY high ox before starting though and went from this to extremely low/no oxalate).

    You will still see healing in both GAPS and LOD, whether you chose both or just LOD with whole foods. Don't worry about supplements. Calcium, magnesium, biotin and B6 all lead to more dumping. Right now you want the basic GAPS legal antioxidants to support him- cod liver oil, vitamin E (Natural Factors 400IU Clear Base is the only legal one I know of) and CoQ10. You can get all of these from www.iherb.com for great prices. Once the dumping is over you can think about the others, but you might find GAPS is enough.

    I hope that helps, let me know if you have any more questions!

  5. Yes, THANK YOU!!! This was so helpful. I keep asking the groups these questions, and don't get very many specifics. You answered everything.
