Friday, September 16, 2011

Dumping is going surprisingly steady. Have had a few cloudy urine incidences. Yday has little appetite but today ravenously hungry- I ate and became extremely bloated and gassy.

Have slept poorly 3 nights in a row (5 hrs/night). Just don't feel tired, but wired. I don't wake up tired either, but my body needs rest. I take the B-vits quite early in the day and have clear pee by night time (as oppose to fluro yellow).

My left lower eyelid keeps twitching like crazy. Magnesium? Happens most during the day. I think I could be absorbing too much calcium..I have had this problem in the past with Vit D toxicity and hypercalcemia. I was taking my calc/mag at the same time as cod liver oil I take separately and don't have any obvious d-toxic signs. Somedays I take a whopping 800mg mag a day just to stop my muscles cramping.

I have worked two full days in a row. Usually I hate the place, but it has been quite pleasant. I have made a conscious effort to be happy with my customers, to smile and be light hearted. It has made a huge difference to the quality of my customers too. I usually get the angry, grumpy customers. Either it's a coincidence, or something is paying off. I think it's the latter!

I think I could be gearing up to trial ghee soon. I am tolerating more B-vits than ever before. I was still tolerating ghee when I couldn't take one 50mg-cap, and now I can take 2 reasonably comfortably.

Wow this bloating is out of control. Head is very fuzzy too. Probably from the tallow I ate, fat digestion is very poor for me when dumping.

I had a small (Actually quite large) debate with my friends boyfriend last night. He keeps demonising red meat and thinks he's God's gift because he's adopted vegetarianism. Let's just say I believe I won the argument. Veg*n's have no 2 legs to stand on when it comes to the facts of life. Sigh.

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