Monday, July 25, 2011

Supplement regime for the next week:
2x 50mg B-complex (breakfast & lunch)
2x 30mcg biotin (breakfast & lunch)
2x 300mg calc&mag citrate (lunch & dinner)
1x Vit E 400IU
2x TriEnza caps/1x scoop TriEnza powder w/ each meal (3x meals/day)
1-2x HcL (depending on reflux, amt. of meat eaten)
1/2tsp Cod Liver Oil (breakfast)

I usually take all of this daily anyway. I'm basically doubling biotin, b-complex and CLO. I am nervous about the amount of oxalate I'll dump and how uncomfortable it'll be. My skin goes a strange pale yellow colour, almost translucent and I can't wear any rings on my fingers or I'll develop a rash that scales, peels and cracks. Very wierd!!
My digestion gets VERY bad. I can barely digest any fibre (hence the enzymes). I get insomnia, bloating, distention, loose stools (with lots of crystals and white specks)- enteroliths? fatigue, EXTREMELY irritable (I will actually BITE your head off), fluid retention... fun times.

The funny thing I am seeing is that a lot of Vitamin-B deficiency symptoms are appearing AFTER starting the B-supplement. Retracing? Detox? Healing reactions? I've noticed ridges on my nails and bad dandruff. My teeth are not very white either. Sometimes they appear very white.


Last night was ok. I ended up eating the steak. I dumped oxalate all night in to my digestive system, so as a result was bloated all night but I am kind of use to it now!
I felt weird in the morning. I wasn't tired until 1:30 AM. I felt weak and unbalanced.

I realised what provokes binges. Seeing others eat foods that I can't eat. I have been living alone for 3 weeks and have barely binged... The only times I have, it has been because I have seen others eat cakes, sweets, chips etc.. Like I would go to my parents house and they would have dessert, or to a party where there is a tonne of junk food served and nothing touches my mouth. That's why I binged so much living at home, or when I lived with my sister because there is so much GARBAGE food in the house and I feel deprived, and sad about it. I must work on getting over this feeling of deprivation. I have come to the realisation that this started YEARS ago when I restricted what I ate when I had anorexia. Then I would see pictures/be with people eating foods I restricted, and would go and binge on them.

I'm glad I've noticed this. So now I can address it. I'm just not sure how. It is so hard.

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