Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Today was ok. I woke up later than usual- 9:30am. On the days I take B6 and start dumping.. I always have short vivid dreams close to waking up.

I had B, then went to work. I was not in a bad mood. I felt quite good, but I had a few too many grouchy customers and I became agitated and annoyed at every customer after that. Some people are so rude. I'm SO glad I'm only working 2 days a week now.

I had L at work which I took in my thermos. I came home and had D and then dumped some more oxalate (I won't elaborate). Had some ginger and lemon tea...then after an hour or so became extremely hungry and had to have a 2nd D, which was quite a lot of lamb from the soup yday, and more turnip and zucchini with melted tallow and lots of sea salt.

Eating more than I 'planned' is hard. It stems from the anorexia. I still feel I need to regain some routine and control over my eating. But after the 2nd D, I stopped. I didn't keep eating and have a big binge.

Tomorrow I have uni early. I am getting tired *shiners* now, and my forehead is getting fuzzy. I know I am dumping more oxalate (hence the extreme hunger earlier tonight). Anyway..continuing on my way. Tomorrow I am going to yoga at 8.15 and I hope we do some meditation because I don't think I'll fit it in in the morning.

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